上滕聯合建築師事務所 Emerge Architects & Associates



House Dynamic

制式空間的公寓如何回應「家庭成員的成長變動與空間的需求改變」? 本案嘗試透過活動隔間牆版與拉門,創造出可變動的彈性空間,來符合家庭成員的生活需求及生命成長的不同階段。


The Development of Home and Space
How can a typical apartment respond to the challenge of adapting the development of family members into spaces as time changes? By using sliding doors and movable partition wall, this project creates a flexible and dynamic space that can adapt family member’s spatial requirement in different life periods.
Blur the boundary
A house is not a combination of many single units anymore. The boundary of rooms is ambiguous and the space is flexible and fluid. By using the sliding door, the space is allowed to transform to different degree of opening and privacy, as it is used for the family activities or children’s needs. Thus, this type of changeable room is named Dynamic House.


Location : Taichung, Taiwan

Project Year : 2009

Site Area :-sqm

Project Area : 95 sqm

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