上滕聯合建築師事務所 Emerge Architects & Associates



Hakka Mountain Developing Magic Park



1. 五寮山林拓墾史的體驗-古道與山林產業的營造

2. 五寮整體意象的強化-既有地方元素特色的發想

3. 五寮聚落環境的界定-主題特色的空間氛圍營造

4. 五寮自然景觀資源利用-親水親山空間氛圍的營造

5. 五寮伯公信仰文化-伯公信仰的展示與居民活動的串連

6. 五寮地方資源的特色整合-教育課程的整合與客家活動的融入

Wuliao hakka village living and environmental construction
Wuliao village is the most potential and the most valuable hakka village in New Taipei City. This case sets Weliao village the core for the hakka cultural development. We integrate Sanshia Hakka resource to build hakka cultural village park, and involve with environmental education for students and people to experience the history of hakka mountain development.
As we describe the goal and expectation, we propose some ideas and strategies below.
1. experience for the history of Wuliao mountain development—construction of trail and mountain Industry
2. reinforcement of Wuliao overall impression—thoughts for local and specialized elements
3. definition of Wuliao village environment—thoughts for the main concept and theme for the spatial atmosphere
4. Uses of Wuliao nature and landscape resource—development of the spatial atmosphere with close relationship of mountain and water
5. Wuliao village god belief culture—introducing and involving activity with village god belief culture
6. Integration of Wuliao regional resources and characteristics—involvement of hakka activities and education


Location :New Taipei City, Taiwan

Project Year : 2011~2012

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