上滕聯合建築師事務所 Emerge Architects & Associates





Mountain Village Jing-feng Social Housing (Phase 1)

基地位於文山區巷弄街廓,擁抱蟾蜍山系山林景觀與周邊多處小型休憩綠帶,為發揮基地最大特色與獨特性,本案採L 型的建築量體配置,讓全棟90戶住宅單元皆能看到周圍的山景,與自然共存。基地北、東、南三面留設8m帶狀開放綠帶,西側將與未來二期公宅共同留設為6m 人行步道,並引入店鋪空間、公共廣場空間留設位置充分考量與二期工程整合之可行性,活化空間使用及活絡鄰里。車道入口設於南側8m道路,減少對基地內開放空間、與南側鄰宅的影響並增設半戶外大樓梯連通二樓之社福設施,強化公共可及性。二樓之社福設施半戶外廊道,可延伸至第二期公宅社福設施。



The site is close to the mountains and neighborhood parks in the Wenshan District, Taipei. The L-shape layout of building object brings all 90-units mountain view which is the most unique character of the site. There are eight-meter wide green open spaces around the site exception the west side where will be six-meter sidewalk connecting the second stage site of the social housing plan. There are also shops, plaza, and some reserved space, where is designed to integrate with the second stage space. It is the idea to increase the use efficiency and community interaction. The entrance of driveway is in the south to avoid the disturbance of residents. There is a semi-outdoor grand staircase which connects the social facilities in the second floor and increase the public accessibility. The semi-outdoor corridor of the social facilities is also designed to extended to the second stage one.

The mountain scenery varies with different level from each unit. There is a “meeting corner” at each floor in the corridor of residence floors. It is designed to keep people staying and increases the interaction of community. It is also an extend of the residence unit and incorporated into the façade. Green and leisure space are created by setback of the building object and connection to the nearby green landscape.





Location : Wenshan District, Taipei, Taiwan

Project Year : 2018~

Site Area : 2439 sqm

Project Area : 10780.51 sqm

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