上滕聯合建築師事務所 Emerge Architects & Associates


觀雨 ,聽雨,感受雨,享受雨。



Rain, falling on my house
I sit at the raining courtyard, looking at the
rain, listening to the rain, feeling the rain,
and enjoying the rain.

I walk up to the stairs, and look out as I
stand on the tilted roof,
When I’m close to the sky, my heart
becomes open

The house is a platform of living
meandering on it as if walking in the
horizontally extended landscape of
Yilan, which simultaneously inspire the
imagination of life and share the experience
with neighbors.




觀雨 ,聽雨,感受雨,享受雨。



Rain, falling on my house
I sit at the raining courtyard, looking at the
rain, listening to the rain, feeling the rain,
and enjoying the rain.

I walk up to the stairs, and look out as I
stand on the tilted roof,
When I’m close to the sky, my heart
becomes open

The house is a platform of living
meandering on it as if walking in the
horizontally extended landscape of
Yilan, which simultaneously inspire the
imagination of life and share the experience
with neighbors.



Opening Row House



This project is situated at Wushih harbor redevelopment area, which is next to Lanyang Museum. Differentiating from the countryside planning style, how to generate a housing prototype representing locality and vernacularity of life in Yilan is the main challenge in the brief. 12 spatial scenarios were proposed in order to provide an opportunity interaction for nature, neighborhood, family. While these scenarios of habitation are created, the quality of life is secured as well. Meanwhile, based on these 12 scenarios, the outlook, form, material, etc. of architecture can be flexible and expectant to the emergence of diversity in architecture.
The connection of life circle in the city is also a crucial topic. In order to promote a co-share urban lifestyle, the front of house is designed as a portico-like semi-outdoor space transformed from garage in typical local housing prototype and a communion space at the back of house.


Within 6*30m site, we propose three approaches in our design. First, by imputing an “Open Rain-sound Courtyard”, which serves as the spatial core. Second approach was to develop the “relative high-rise” comparing to lower rural houses, each level is planned with a “three dimensional living patios”, potted and functional for activities as well. Lastly, in the mid of a city lacking of open space, we aspire to elevate our rooftop garden as a new ground, suitable for watching the stars and listening to the ocean in urban solitude. “To Open and To Connect” is the strategy to answer the proposition.


Ground level opened to the street: Originally the garage, now reassigned to be part of public arcade for passersby, also for activities in the rain season.

Continuous courtyards: Each unit has a garden courtyard, with further plan linking them to form an ecological corridor.


Back alley open space: Kitchens are opened to the back alley, or lively alley, comprising vegetable gardens and outdoor sinks. Culs-de-sac become a community space for neighborly events.

Rain-sound open courtyard: Life and space both spread from the center courtyard, where to perceive Yilan’s rain and the subtle change of season.


Atrium to connect spaces and activities: a continuous curvy ceiling, fir-wood plate molded concrete, makes up the atrium. The atrium connects kitchen-dining room on the first floor, living rooms, hallway library, and a 3.5 m-deep semi-outdoor space on the second floor. By connecting the spaces, the atrium also gathers the activities in the house. For house shrine on the third floor, 2-story high book wall and a tearoom on the fourth floor, another huge slope roof covers all. An open riser staircase ventilates the house vertically and exhales the heat out.


Construction Photos



2012 Opening Row House打開在地生活的家 宜蘭厝烏石港計畫競圖單棟街屋型優選獎

2018 第六屆台灣住宅獎入圍


Location : Toucheng Township, YiLan, Taiwan

Project Year : 2012~2017

Site Area : 180.04 sqm

Project Area : 261.82 sqm

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